7251789_xxlIn response to an opinion article published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine calling for a more thorough investigation of the health impact of PIP implants, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has reiterated its own previous statement that there continue to remain ‘unanswered questions’ about the controversial devices.

According to consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS President Rajiv Grover:

“Whilst the article in question is entirely an opinion piece and not presenting any new data, at the BAAPS we do agree – as we have said before – that there remain unanswered questions regarding the possible effects of these chemical compounds. We reiterate our call for analysis to be conducted on collected samples taken ‘in vivo’ rather than off-the-shelf, as it would also be advantageous to examine what impact body temperature and conditions have on them. It was only change occurring in implants inside the body, which triggered a recall of soya bean (Trilucent) implants years ago.

“Women who had or still have PIPs and the surgeons removing them know that more research is needed to explain what they are seeing and experiencing. At the BAAPS we have remained constant in our view – these defective devices have no place within the human body. The whole sector, and in particular the patients affected, deserve thorough answers.