APSARAS5In the run up to National Smile Month (19 May-19 June), Professor Andrew Eder has warned that there is a growing concern in the UK – that of tooth wear.

Explaining why this is a real worry, Prof. Eder said statistics collated by the Government suggest that over three-quarters of adults- and more than 50% of children- show signs of tooth wear.

“Since those figures were released, at the London Tooth Wear Centre®  we have seen an increase in the number of patients complaining of tooth sensitivity and displaying sharp or chipped front teeth, as well as tooth discolouration, including yellowing and loss of shine  – all indicators of tooth wear,” says Professor Eder, a Specialist in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics.

“A smile is a really important part of our personalities, affecting self-confidence, which can impact on relationships and overall success, so it’s important to seek help for tooth wear as soon as you see any signs,” he concludes.

Visit www.toothwear.co.uk or contact the London Tooth Wear Centre® on 020 7486 7180 if you would like more information