Words by Rosie Wilson

Private healthcare search engine Whatclinic.com has released its biannual survey results, indicating the trends in cosmetic surgery for the past six months. The data shows not only the most highly requested procedures overall, but also the fastest growing procedures – information which can be used to predict emerging trends in cosmetic surgery.

Breast augmentation remains the most popular surgical procedure, and requests for the surgery have almost doubled in the past six months (98%). Liposuction and rhinoplasty, which are consistently popular procedures, were seen to be the second and third most popular, with enquiries increasing by 103% and 87% respectively. More unexpected procedures to make the list included fat transfer (which rose by 87%) and labiaplasty (which experienced an 85% increase).

Body contouring and lifting treatments have seen the largest growth in the past six months. The fastest emerging trend was full abdominoplasty, demand for which has grown by a staggering 264% since December 2014. Brachioplasty was second on the trend list, with enquiries up by 239%. Enquiries for Lipoabdominoplasty and inverted nipple correction more than doubled, too, followed closely by requests for neck lifts, which have risen by 99% since the end of 2014.

After surgery figures were seen to decline overall in 2014, the industry has experienced a boom, with most procedures indicating signs of growth. The few surgeries that experienced a decline in enquiries included Areola reduction (which fell by 36%) and hymenoplasty (-22%).

Below, you can see a full list of the most popular treatments and those that have shown the most growth. For a more comprehensive breakdown, visit www.whatclinic.com.

Treatments that have seen the highest volume of enquiries in the past six months:

Treatment Average starting price % increase in enquiries in the first half of 2015
Breast augmentation £3,617 98%
Liposuction £2,050 103%
Rhinoplasty £3,478 87%
Abdominoplasty £4,418 111%
Fat transfer £2,467 87%
Labiaplasty £2,551 85%
Blepharoplasty £2,234 52%
Otoplasty £2,024 75%
Gynecomastia £3,383 48%
Breast reduction £4,927 100%


Treatments that have seen the most dramatic increase or decrease of enquiries in the past six months:

Treatment Average price % change in enquiries in the first half of 2015
Full abdominoplasty £5,330 264%
Brachioplasty £3,732 239%
Lipoabdominoplasty £6,321 172%
Inverted nipple correction £1,400 104%
Neck lift £3,358 99%
Mini abdominoplasty £3,000 95%
Facelift £4,422 77%
Areola reduction £2,142 -36%
Hymenoplasty £2,697 -22%


Emily Ross, director of Whatclinic.com, said:

“Despite the fact that the range of non-surgical alternatives available to UK consumers has broadened considerably, full surgical procedures for cosmetic purposes are more popular than ever, Breast augmentation is by far the most common plastic surgery treatment being sought by UK patients, though we are also seeing more men seeking treatment for male breast reduction.”

“With demand so high, it is crucial that patients have access to up to date information about the credentials and qualifications of their chosen practitioners, which, even in the UK can be confusing at the best of times.”

“There are thousands of reviews on our site, but there are some pieces of advice that come up again and again. The first is know the risks – if you are fully informed about things that could possibly go wrong you can be better prepared. The second is not to rush. Take your time and don’t let yourself be pressured by offers of price. I would also add to make sure your practitioner is not only qualified, but well-experienced. Ideally you want a surgeon who has performed the same treatment many, many times and is happy to answer any questions you might have.”

What do you think of the latest figures in cosmetic surgery trends? Are you surprised by any of the procedures that have made the list? Let us know on Twitter @THSJournal