Words by Rosie Wilson

On 3 June, Aesthetic Source hosted the NeoStrata Expert Evening at the Royal Society of Medicine, which was attended by a panel of internal expert speakers. The evening comprised a series of talks followed by a discussion between invited nurses, doctors and plastic surgeons.

Lorna Bowes, Director of Aesthetic Source, said:

“The NeoStrata Evening with the Experts was a very enjoyable and wonderfully informative occasion.  The varied presentations demonstrated that NeoStrata Company continues to lead the way in developing evidence based skin technologies to provide skincare products that are clinically effective in meeting patients’ needs today and provide high satisfaction. Aesthetic Source aims to run similar events in the future – watch this space!”

Royal Soc 3 JUNE 15  CLIFF

And Dr. Sandeep Cliff, consultant dermatologist and chair of the meeting, said:

“Many patients are now seeking medical grade skincare to provide firmer, smoother and younger looking skin. Today we have seen compelling evidence that NeoStrata continues to make advances in its professional cosmeceutical skincare range and develop exciting new products to meet our needs as clinicians as well as our patients’ needs.”

For more information visit www.aestheticsource.com.