By Rosie Wilson

The recent online study was conducted by RealSelf, and surveyed 5,053 American women between the ages of 18 and 64.

Overall, the survey found that 87% of all women surveyed were unhappy with at least one area of their bodies, and that one in five women were currently pursuing or planned to pursue cosmetic surgery to address the issue. This marks more than a 200% rise in cosmetic surgery interest, according to RealSelf.

Across all the respondents, the internet was named as the primary source of treatment awareness (61%), followed by word of mouth (42%). But women between the ages of 18 and 24 were found to be more likely to educate themselves about cosmetic treatments through popular media (41% of this age group reported they had learned about treatments through reality TV shows), whereas the older respondents were more likely to learn about treatments through news reports and magazine articles.