11374948_xlAccording to BAAPS, plastic surgeons are worried about the number of young people who want cosmetic procedures.

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons claims younger patients can be vulnerable and often have self-esteem issues.

It is warning procedures can’t always help people overcome problems with their body image.

BAAPS says its surgeons carried out 50,122 cosmetic procedures in 2013, a 17% increase on 2012.

There is no age breakdown, but President Elect Michael Cadier claims they are seeing more young people who want cosmetic procedures.

“They’re still immature, vulnerable and it’s too big an operation with too many potential life-long implications,” he said.

“There are potentially other avenues they should be exploring.”

The cosmetic interventions industry was worth £720m in 2005, £2.3bn in 2010 and it’s estimated it will rise to £3.6bn by 2015, a review commissioned by the Department of Health found.

In February 2014, the government outlined its response to a review of the industry. Their plans were criticised by surgeons, who said the decision not to classify dermal fillers as prescription only has been labelled a “missed opportunity”.

They accused the industry of acting like “cowboys” and selling products “like double glazing”.

The Harley Street Journal previously revealed (Issue 2: March/April ’14) research suggesting most women in the UK who undergo cosmetic procedures opt to have them by the time they turn 21.

Pictured: Mr Michael Cadier