By Rosie Wilson

Sinclair IS Pharma organised a day-long Silhouette Soft Masterclass, which took place on the 23rd April at the Royal Society of Medicine.

Mr. Paul Banwell, plastic surgeon and host of the event, said:

“The purpose of the meeting is to learn more about this great product, to raise treatment standards and ultimately learn how to build your business.”

In order to gauge the level of expertise of the delegates, audience participation was facilitated through the use of electronic voting handsets.

Dr. Roberto Pizzamiglio, world expert in Silhouette Soft, flee from Spain to attend the conference and help to underpin the doctors’ knowledge. He explained that since its launch in 2006, 84,000 Silhouette Soft procedures have been performed. He went on to explain that the procedure is evolving, and that refined new techniques for placing the treads have been developed recently, to ensure even more effective results.

The conference also included live demonstrations of Silhouette Soft via video-link.

For more information, please visit