The aesthetics world is deeply saddened to hear about the passing of the eminent Plastic Surgeon Dr Pierre Nicolau.

Also a trainer for Sinclair Pharma, Dr Nicolau was recognised as a leading expert in his field of aesthetic medicine. 

Dr Pierre Nicolau studied at the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier. After completing his training in Plastic Surgery, he went on to perfect his training for almost four years in England. And had also worked in Houston, Texas.

Dr Nicolau worked at the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris as a Plastic Surgery consultant, first at Rothschild Hospital, then at Saint Louis University Hospital in the Professor M. Mimoun unit, and for over 10 years in Colombes at the Louis Mourier University Hospital.

Since 2003, he taught for the Inter University Diploma, which trains surgeons and dermatologists for injectable fillers and botulinum toxin (University PARIS XII), where he was in charge of teaching about the “Biological effects of injectable fillers”.

Dr Nicolau also conducted humanitarian missions in Pakistan, Vietnam and African countries for over 10 years. In parallel, he always followed developments in cosmetic surgery, participating in many conferences and congresses in France and abroad. 

Dr Nicolau led more than 500 Sinclair Pharma training courses and workshops, and delivered over 300 communications and lectures at congresses worldwide, as a recognised expert in his field. He also published over 68 articles and chapters in journals and scientific books.

Dr Victoria Manning worked alongside Dr Nicolau as part of their work with Sinclair Pharma. Dr Manning commented: “I was lucky enough to have met Pierre many times. I called him my guru! He has trained me, mentored me and been on the end of a text message when I needed his expertise and guidance. The passion he delivered around aesthetic medicine was inspirational. No words can really sum up how a lot of us are feeling right now. We have lost a friend and a colleague. His shoes will be extremely hard to fill in the Sinclair Pharma team. I wish his family and friends all the best in this tragic time.”

Chris Spooner, Managing Director of Sinclair Pharma added: “Pierre was both colleague and friend. Intellectually curious, energetic and independent-minded, he was amusing company and a valuable colleague. His untimely death is both tragic and distressing, and I am among very many who will miss him. My sincere condolences to Pierre’s wife, Raymonde, and family.”