By Rosie Wilson

Normal Wright, founder of The Wright Initiative and pioneer of pre and post procedure support for patients, is now a BSI Committee member CH/403 for aesthetic surgery and non-surgical medical services. Mr Wright was nominated for the membership by his professional body, UKCP.

Mr Wright said of the membership:

“I am most looking forward to being part of the standard development committee paying particular attention to the patient where there is currently no psycho-emotional support for patients having aesthetic or cosmetic procedures. I am also excited about being able to support the work programme through BSI and CEN ensuring that the notion of the person behind the patient is acknowledged, seen, listened to and supported every step of the way.”

He continued:

“The industry needs to appreciate that they have a duty of care for every patient that walks through their door. Merely considering whether psychological assessments or screening them for the wide range of consumers accessing cosmetic, aesthetic procedures, treatments and products is not sufficient for the increasing number and wide range of consumers. It is now time for the industry to acknowledge more seriously the holistic needs of patients [and] self-regulate for the benefit of the patients to improve the patient journey and integrity of this profession.”

For more information on The Wright Initiative, please see: