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The best kept secret for at-home professional skincare is now out, with the launch of a brand new online shop: Vida Essential.

A top aesthetics company has launched a new online advanced skincare outlet for men and women seeking professional skincare and anti-ageing products at affordable prices.

Offering customers access to high-end brands and skincare from the UK and Europe, such as Toskani, Vida Essential is a one-of-a-kind proposition.

On top of basic skincare products we know and love – such as moisturisers, cleansers, face scrubs and sun protection – Vida Essential offers more advanced products such as collagen boosting creams, skin tightening serums, and anti-wrinkle cocktails, as well as make-up.

With the addition of wrinkle reduction serums, glycolic acid purifying gels, and antioxidant lifting agents, as well as post-aesthetic treatment recovery skincare, this new online store promises to provide visitors of all ages with a skin health haven.

Some of the popular additions to the new Vida Essential website include:

  • Lumiderm Vitaflash: placed under makeup to immediately tighten skin
  • Radiance Eye Contour: diminishes eye bags and dark circles by improving microcirculation
  • Bamboo Hidratonic: boosts cell turnover with a gentle peeling effect

Providing brands previously only found in cosmetic clinics, Vida Essential is designed to offer women and men an online community where the most effective skincare and anti-ageing products are available at the best prices.

The same old brands found in most high-street retailers often promise much but deliver very little. This new proposition is designed to allow savvy shoppers – with an avid interest in advanced skincare – access to the products cosmetic doctors trust to improve skin, all from the comfort of home.

Eddy Emilio, Director of Vida Aesthetics and the Vida Clinic in Dorking, launched the Vida Essential after realising the of diversity in the UK marketplace meant many clients were being left unsatisfied by their skincare and post-cosmetic treatment recovery products.

“Vida Essential is the only online shop to offer prestigious and innovative retail products to the public which are both results driven and meet strict criteria for quality and effectiveness. Our brands are carefully chosen to ensure customers get the best results possible,” Eddy says.

“We are continuously seeking new products and brands in skincare, make-up and other cosmetics, so our members can be sure of new lines to try way before they hit the high-street. Our online team has years of experience in the beauty and aesthetic market so if you have a particular skin concern you need to resolve, you can contact an expert for advice on the best combination of products.”

The Vida Essential shop is now live and can be accessed via www.vidaessential.com