By Rosie Wilson

3897593_xxlLipotripsy, well know for its cellulite treatment, has introduced a non-invasive facial treatment.

Lipotripsy Face Firmer stimulates fibroblasts within the skin to increase collagen and elastic production, and improves cell renewal to create tighter, firmer skin with reduced wrinkle depth.

The treatment starts at £100 per session and lasts 30 minutes. Although 6 sessions are recommended for optimum results, Lipotripsy claim visible results will be seen after just one treatment.

Jim Westwood, MD of Spectrum Medical Innovations Ltd, creators of LipoTripsy, said: “Lipotripsy Face Firmer Treatment is a pioneering new painless and non-invasive treatment that promotes the production of collagen and elastin to lift and tighten the skin.

“We are excited to launch Lipotripsy Face as it complements our current body sculpting and cellulite treatment and allows clinics to offer Lipotripsy from the face down to the feet.”

For more information, visit