8234123_xlOver 100 products from more than 70 skincare brands have made the shortlist of the third annual FreeFrom Skincare Awards.

Green People lead the way with four shortlisted products, followed by four brands with three shortlisted products each – Botanicals, Odylique, Shea Mooti and Tropic Skincare.

Entries across the 12 categories were up 20% on last year, and over 50% of the brands were first-time entrants – evidence of the growth in ‘free from’ skincare over the last year.

“The shortlist is much longer than we anticipated, but it deserves to be because the standard of entries was noticeably higher this year,” said Alex Gazzola, Awards Co-ordinator.

“Drawing up the shortlist has been a challenge,” added Michelle Berriedale-Johnson, chair of the judging sessions.

“Our panels had to assess ‘free from’ qualities, skin-healthy ingredients, effectiveness, innovation, value for money, clarity of labelling, preservative content, and much more. When combined with the personal tastes and unique perspectives of judges, it all makes for a lot of vigorous debate,” she concluded.

Shortlisted products now go forward for month-long assessment by testers from The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible, and their detailed feedback will be used to draw up lists of winners and runners-up in all twelve categories – plus an additional award for Best FreeFrom Skincare Brand, and of course Best Overall FreeFrom Skincare Product – to be announced at the Love Natural, Love Organic show at Olympia on 4th July 2014.