Fat transfer with body-jet replaces out dated liposuction procedures and can even offer an implant-free boob job

A top UK plastic surgeon is leading the way for patients seeking cosmetic procedures, such as lipo and mummy makeovers, by offering an alternative that’s both safer and more efficient.

Mr Gary Ross, a Manchester surgeon, noticed the trend shifting from fat removal to fat transfer in the latter part of 2017, and believes 2018 will also be the year we see patients ditch implants for volumising areas with fat.

Specialising in body rejuvenation and mummy makeover procedures, Mr Ross uses the body-jet device to take fat from one area of a patient’s body and reintroduce it to another part of the body or face that requires volume; this can include the buttocks, breasts and even cheeks.

Unlike traditional forms of fat removal that are often unreliable and painful, the body-jet technology uses the gentle power of water to contour the body. Fat can be removed in a more gentle way, allowing for less invasive and safer autologous fat transfer.

For those seeking breast enhancement, body-jet can provide a natural boost to volume, in some cases eliminating the need for silicone implants.

BAAPS and BAPRAS member, Mr Ross was one of the first medical professionals in the UK to offer the water-assisted fat transfer procedure, and believes scores of patients will start seeking more natural ways to enhance their bodies.

“In 2017 we saw a greater focus on the ‘less is more’ approach to cosmetic surgery; I am certain this is set to continue this year. With a greater focus on patient safety and faster healing times, body contouring procedures like fat transfer will be big news in clinics across the UK,” Mr. Ross explains.

“The whole Kim Kardashian phase is declining, with most women seeking natural-looking curves over the fake look. This is where body-jet fat transfer is making waves; the treatment is versatile and the results are seriously impressive.”

“One of the benefits of offering body-jet to my patients is how much we can do without implants in terms of volume improvement. Silicone implants have their place, and fat transfer isn’t suitable for everyone, but this is modern way to boost volume to an area without place foreign objects into the body, which can of course cause some patients complications,” he says.

Undergoing body-jet fat transfer is less invasive than traditional lipo techniques, leading to speedier recovery times and patient satisfaction. Using the body-jet, liposuction and fat transfer can be performed in a safe, effective and easy way.

“During treatment, the fat is gently detached from the tissue structure by means of a flat, fan-shaped water-jet and may be aspirated at the same time. The surrounding connective tissue, nerves and blood vessels remain much less traumatised. We are doing remarkable things with body-jet and I know 2018 is going to be the year patients embrace this safer cosmetic procedure to regain or boost volume,” Mr. Ross concludes.