BioID Health, UK provider of tailored and bespoke bioidentical hormone replacement therapy treatment is pleased to announce the launch of its brand new website:

BioID Health offers doctor-led treatment that achieves extraordinary life-changing results by using bioidentical hormones that are specially engineered to imitate your natural hormones. 

Specifically targeting those individuals suffering with menopause, perimenopause and andropause, the new website reflects BioID Health’s mission of becoming a leader in effective and tailored treatment, with the understanding that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to hormonal imbalances. 

Dr Martin Kinsella, Founder of BioID Health explains: “Our new site reflects our commitment and transparency when it comes to navigating the maze that is menopause. Through this new website, we aim to provide individuals with the information that they need, whilst clearly articulating what we do, how we do it and results that can be expected.

Dr. Kinsella is one of the UK’s most sought-after aesthetic and anti-ageing practitioners, with over 15 years of experience in the field. He founded BioID and its state-of-the-art blood testing facility over 11 years ago, after which he started his own aesthetics clinic.

“We wanted to ensure our site was easy to navigate and clear to understand and digest. Dealing with hormonal changes can be debilitating and tough, with very little information available to support those in need. Therefore, making the user experience as clear and fluid was extremely important to us so that individuals could make informed choices regarding treatment” explains Dr Kinsella.

From their online system checker, to their breakdown of treatment options, the BioID Health site is packed with useful and informative information with the end-user in mind.

About BioID Health

BioID Health works by simulating the synthesis of a person’s natural hormones to fill individual shortages – it is completely unique for each individual and their body. Hormones are chemical messengers that help govern our daily processes, such as mental and physical well-being, sleep habits, and sex drive. 

Patients are provided with specialised treatments and a plan to simply replenish the precise hormones that they are deficient in and restore to maximum performance after a comprehensive assessment by a specialist and a blood/ saliva test.

“Menopause is a reality of life, and we shouldn’t be afraid of it,” says Dr. Kinsella. “It’s just our bodies adapting to a new chapter in life, which should be wonderful. Unfortunately, hormone deprivation makes these natural adjustments extremely difficult for the body, leaving us with some rather unpleasant symptoms.”

100 phlebotomy clinics around the UK currently offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Visit today to find out more.