By Rosie Wilson.

Be Real are working to change attitudes about body image, ensuring that people prioritise their health over their appearances.

The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) have given their support to the campaign, which aims to allow everyone on the UK body confidence. Be Real is working with a range of experts in the cosmetic field, to ensure that prospective patients are offered full facts, real imagery and are not mis-sold any cosmetic services.

The Body Confidence for Everyone campaign is threefold: to educate children and young people of body image and body confidence; to promote healthy living and wellbeing over weight loss and appearance; and to encourage the media to recognise diversity.

Graeme Perks, President of BAPRAS, said that he and the practitioners of BAPRAS would reach out to the media, asking them to ensure that coverage around body issues is reported responsibly and to acknowledge the wide variety of body types out there.

“We have long championed the need to protect the public against mis-selling, unrealistic expectations and the lure of cosmetic surgery ‘deals’, as well as cutting out irresponsible advertising. We want to ensure that people considering cosmetic surgery and procedures are given the information, advice and time for reflection to make an informed choice,” he said.

“BAPRAS fully support this campaign to recognise diversity and encourage everyone, whatever size, ethnicity or ability to be confident in their bodies.”

For more information, and to get behind Be Real, please visit