By Nadja Collin
Breast Augmentation is an increasingly popular procedure but, like all surgery, is still a significant social, psychological and emotional milestone for a patient to undergo. With this in mind, the psychological journey is addressed from the get-go, from the first consultation stage. No matter how well prepared the patient and how realistic their expectations, some will likely experience a variety of unexpected reactions and realisations immediately after the procedure. Successful surgery therefore benefits from all means to accelerate and ameliorate the healing process.
It is a well-recognised belief that in order to experience a ´happy healing´ process it is worth inducing a positive outlook and balanced mindset to supplement mind and body. A good support network, a nutritious anti-oxidant diet with plenty of colourful fresh fruit and vegetables and a pleasant surgical environment are all encouraged to assist with the healing process.
It is also well accepted that having a comfortable, supportive compression garment can optimise the results of surgery, by minimising swelling and reducing the risk of haematomas and seromas as well as offering measurable pain relief.
MACOM Medical has put the colour theory to the test and developed a stunningly bright pillarbox red post-operative surgical bra. Based on the success of their market-leading compression garments, the company created the colourful bra in the strong belief that colour can favorably affect mood. Colour Therapy attributes red with courage and strength which are positive and useful traits for any post-operative patient.

Consultant Plastic Surgeon and leading breast specialist Dr Rozina Ali agrees;
“My practice acknowledges the emotional support t a patient requires throughout the surgical episode and usually more so after surgery. Having a breast augmentation is undoubtedly a life changing event with significant consequences.. Once a patient has embarked on their surgical journey, my goal is to help them achieve their desired outcome. Even the most knowledgeable and well-prepared patient, with a thorough understanding of the process and procedure, may face an unpredictable emotional journey. It’s best therefore to be prepared.
My clinic offers comprehensive pre-op care including referral to a clinical psychologist where necessary and exemplary and extended aftercare. Our attention to detail is second to none. We find that using an effective and attractive, post surgical bra infused with colour really empowers and enthuses the patient. This is exactly the right state of mind to be in and imbues a little fun into the post-surgical recovery, this ultimately leads to a more satisfied and hopefully happier patient.
I always recommend MACOM compression garments for all my breast surgery patients and have never looked back; the patients are delighted with both the process and the outcome. Interestingly, most will continue to wear their support bra long after surgery, since there’s nothing more flattering or more comfortable on the market.”