By Rosie Wilson

A London based doctor has said that many people drink more water than their body needs, and the excess sweat it causes leads them to seek surgical intervention.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Professor Mark Whiteley, a consultant Vascular Surgeon at The Whiteley Clinic, London, explained that he has experienced a surge in requests for the surgery, and that he turns away four out of five people, telling them to drink less water.

“Lots of advertisers advertise drinking water, and say you have to drink two or three litres a day. That’s medically incorrect. If you go to intensive care you will be put on 1.5 litres of fluid per 24 hours,” he said.

Hyperhidrosis – excess sweating – affects men and women equally, and can often be remedied by cutting fluid intake, reducing stress or stopping over-the-counter medication.

Prof. Whiteley also says that he recommends Botox injections to the area to temporarily stop the sweating above Laser Sweat Ablation surgery – and that the latter should be a last resort.

For extreme cases though, he speaks highly of the surgery.

“It’s a terrific technique for people who cannot get relief any other way. We expect an 80 per cent reduction of sweating.”