APSARAS5Dermatologists have welcomed the recommendation by Cosmetics Europe, the European cosmetics trade association, to all its members that the preservative Methylisothiazolinone (MI or MIT) should be immediately removed from all leave-on skin products and personal care products, including cosmetic wet wipes, without waiting for action from regulators.

The statement follows discussions with European Society of Contact Dermatitis (ESCD) after fears of a contact allergy epidemic caused by MI were raised at the British Association of Dermatologists’ (BAD) annual conference.

Dr David Orton, President of the British Society of Cutaneous Allergy said:

“This is a promising step forward, and I welcome this demonstration of responsibility by Cosmetics Europe to pre-empt regulation on the use of MI. I hope that this recommendation will be adhered to by the association’s members and will go some way towards protecting UK and European consumers.”