Could injections of your blood be the secret to combating the effects of diabetes?

Currently in the UK, over 5 million people suffer from diabetes

That means 7% of the British population are suffering from the symptoms and effects that come with having diabetes but could there be a treatment out there for it that isn’t just focused around cutting down on sugar or being more mindful of what you eat and drink?

You’ve likely heard of PRP facial treatments — otherwise known as vampire facials — or, at the very least, seen the scary photos on social media of celebrities like Kim Kardashian who have had the treatment.

The vampire facial is the nickname for microneedling treatment using Platelet-Rich Plasma — a component of your blood that can lead to impressive results when absorbed into your skin.

But, did you know that PRP can also be used to help with a whole host of other things…including diabetes?

Dr Farzana Khan, Aesthetics Doctor for RegenLab, tells us how, she said:

“PRP therapy can repair injuries and relieve pain in the body for things like diabetic foot ulcers and joint pain. It is associated with faster healing, a significant reduction in pain and a much lower risk than other treatments. It is a form of regenerative medicine that uses the natural healing powers of blood. 

“The procedure involves extracting and isolating platelets and plasma from a sample of your own blood, then the doctor concentrates it in a healing solution. It is then injected back into the body at (and around) the point of injury or pain.”

Diabetic foot ulcers are the most common cause of leg amputations worldwide and the general treatment for this is bed rest or oral and topical medications but PRP treatment has a higher success rate than any of those.

Dr Farzana Khan said: “Many patients with diabetes are concerned about hair loss these days. However, thanks to advancements have emerged on the market that may effectively fight the illness with PRP being one of them.

“Those who have diabetes may not produce enough insulin, or their bodies may not utilise it properly. Blood vessels that have been damaged through this may not be able to give adequate oxygen to your hair follicles. This shortage of oxygen has the potential to disrupt your natural hair growth cycle.”

“PRP treatment aids hair restoration by extending the developing stage of the hair growth cycle. This helps maintain the present hair for a more extended period of time.”

So, how much does it cost? The average cost of 1 session of PRP is around £500 but for maximum benefit, a course of three treatments is recommended.