New research has revealed the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK – and it seems location determines treatments.
The report, called Brits, Boobs and Botox, reveals a wide-ranging range of data which can be attributed to different procedures, towns, genders and age groups.

While Blackpool was identified as the capital of the UK for breast augmentations, Aberdeen came out on top for face lifts. London takes the title for fillers capital of the UK with the top seven locations being London-based, with South West London being crowned the most popular destination for injectables like Botox.

Leeds came top for laser hair removal treatments, while Wolverhampton was revealed to be the hair transplant leader of the UK. Ipswich is highlighted as the ‘tummy tuck’ capital of the UK.

There is also a significant peak in these enquiries during 2011, which could be attributed to the boom in 2010 birth rates which saw the highest fertility rate since 1973, claims the report by Transform.